You can pay your tuition and other fees directly through myHood. You can make a credit card payment with the following cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard and Visa.
1. Sign in to myHood with your student ID as your User Name. If you do not remember your ID or your password, contact our Registrar
2. Click on the Student Accounts Tab.
3. Under "My Account Information", click on "My Account Balances". You will be re-directed to a secured site to enter credit card information.
4. Do not use the "$" sign. Just enter the amount. (For example, 200.00 not $200.00).
5. Enter your credit card number without spaces or dashes.
6. Enter the Expiration Date as MMYY.
7. The billing information must match the billing information the credit card company has on file for you. This may/may not be your current address. If you encounter error code, "AVS", this means the address information you entered is not consistent with information Card Services have on file. You will need to contact customer service to clear up the issue.
Questions, contact Dr. Regina Dancy at (704) 636-6454.